100th Birthday
7th July 2023

John Wood

John James Wood aka 'Jim Wood' is turning 100 years old on 9th July. Jim was born in Bury and moved to Colne in 1962 to progress his career at Smith and Nephew where he became General Manager at their Glen Mills site on North Valley Road. As an avid Bury FC fan, Jim travelled on his son's motorbike until the age of 92 and went to his last match in person at the age of 95. He also enjoyed many trips to Colne, including his regular shops at Sainsburys and Colne market. He's deeply loved by his son, daughter-in-law and granddaughters, alongside many acquaintances he's made from his warm and friendly nature. Many happy returns, Jim! Love Steven, Helen, Georgina, Matty, Kelly and Josh

Originally published in Burnley Express on 7th July 2023

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